All players, parents and coaches will follow the code of conduct without exception. The code ensures we honor and respect the game, each other and serves as a cornerstone of what we are teaching our players about Lacrosse and life. Click on the plus sign next to each resource item to view more detailed information.
We also ask parents to remember...
This is a game
Coaches are volunteers
Referees are human
No college scholarships will be awarded today
I will honor the ROOTS of the game:
- • I will refuse to bend the rules to win.
- • I will honor the letter and spirit of the rules at all times.
- • I will not argue with or comment to an official about another player or ruling.
- • I will treat opponents with respect.
- • I will not engage in any excessive displays of emotion either in defeat or celebration.
- • I will respectfully congratulate my opponents on a game well played.
- • I will treat officials with respect at all times in all situations.
- • I will respect officials' rulings without comment.
- • I will respect and care for every player on my team.
- • I will be supportive and encouraging of my fellow teammates and coaches.
- • I will respect the property of my teammates and the community in which I play.
- • I will respect coaches' instruction without complaint.
- • I will be on time and prepared for any practice, game or meeting.
- • I promise to live up to my own standards even when others don't.
- • I will not use foul or profane language.
By registering for the Legends program, Players agree to adhering to this code of conduct.
I will set an example for my child by Honoring the Game and will encourage him/her to remember:
ROOTS - respect for the Rules, Opponents, Officials, Teammates, and Self
- • I will teach my child to honor the letter and spirit of the rules at all times.
- • I will represent my child's age accurately during registration.
- • I will not argue with or comment to an official about another player or ruling.
- • I will familiarize myself with the rules of the game and strive to educate my child about them.
- • I will treat opponents with respect.
- • I will not engage in any excessive displays of emotion either in defeat or celebration.
- • I will not comment negatively on another player's skills or abilities
- • I promise to live up to my own standards even when others don't.
- • I will respect officials' rulings without comment.
- • If the official makes a "bad" call against my team, I will Honor the Game and be silent!
- • I will use a self-control routine to avoid losing my composure when things go wrong. I will take a deep breath, turn away from the game to refocus, count backwards from 100 or use self-talk ("I need to be a role model. I can rise above this.").
- • I will respect and care for every player on the team.
- • I will not comment negatively on another player's skills or abilities
- • I will have my child on time and prepared for any practice, game or meeting. I will get my child to practice and games on time and will be on time picking my child up after and notify coaches if they cannot attend games or practices.
- • I will respect coaches' instruction without complaint.
- • I will refrain from making negative comments about my child's coach in my child's presence.
- • I will wait 24 hours after a game or practice to communicate with my child's coach.
- • I will live up to my own standards even when others don't.
- • I will engage in No-Directions Cheering. I will limit my comments during the game to encouraging my child and other players and not Coach from the sideline.
- • I will remember that all participants in this organization are parent volunteers, spending their free time and efforts to ensure our kids have a positive and rewarding experience playing Lacrosse.
By registering your child for the Legends program, Parents & Guardians agree to adhering to this code of conduct.
I understand that my responsibilities as a Legends Lacrosse Coach are of great importance and that my actions have the potential to significantly influence the young athletes I coach. Therefore, I promise to uphold the following rights of young athletes to the best of my ability. All participants have the right to:
- 1. Participate and do so at an age appropriate level corresponding with each child's maturity and ability.
- 2. Have qualified coaches that understand the men's game.
- 3. Play as a child and not as an adult.
- 4. Participate in safe and positive environments.
- 5. Have an equal opportunity to strive for success.
- 6. Be treated with respect
Furthermore, I will honor the ROOTS of the game:
- • I will honor the letter and spirit of the rules at all times.
- • I will treat opponents with respect.
- • I will serve as a Double Goal Coach. who strives to win (one goal), while pursuing the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports.
- • I will treat officials with respect at all times in all situations.
- • I will complete the mandatory Coach's Training
- • I will care for every player on my team.
- • I will keep an open line of communications with my parents and provide schedules for both practice and games in a timely manner.
- • I will communicate age appropriate rules (including playing time) that I expect the players and parents to abide by.
- • I will create practice plans that maximizes opportunities for players to be engaged throughout practice.
- • I will live up to my own standards even when others don't.
I will not share any player or parent contact information with any external organizations including other rec councils or club programs.
With my signature, which I voluntarily acknowledge that I have read, understood, and will do my best to fulfill the promises made herein.
Coach's Name (please print):
Grad Year:
Signature of Coach:
Click here to download a printable version of the Coaches Code of Conduct