Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather or if there has been any inclement weather in the past 24 hours of a game or practice time, (even though it may not be raining there may have been some significant rain prior to a game or practice that may render the fields unplayable), or if there is the chance of any inclement weather. (Inclement weather could be, rain, snow, any precipitation, extremely cold temperatures, tornado's hurricanes and anything else that may disrupt practice or games), please check TeamSnap for any weather related cancellations.
Some things to keep in mind....
- • Lacrosse is a game that is played in the rain and on wet fields, so rain alone may not be enough to cancel a practice or game.
- • The program and its Coaches do their best to make appropriate decisions regarding weather cancellations, but occasionally mistakes are made (e.g., a game may be cancelled that could have been played and vice versa). We appreciate everyone's flexibility and understanding in these situations.
- • Lacrosse is played on very cold days in March and very hot days in June, so please make sure your athletes are properly clothed for practices and games.
- • Hydration is very, very important. Please make sure your athletes bring plenty of water to all games and practices -- particularly on hot days. Hydration should take place over the day, NOT JUST BEFORE PRACTICE!
Please note that when we are making decisions regarding weather cancellation we typically try to do so as soon as possible. However, in some situations, we will wait until one hour prior to game time or practice time. So please consider this when checking for cancellations.
Away Games
Since we do not control away game/league cancellations you will need to get that information from your individual Teamsnap team page that is populated by you coach.
Lightning Policy
Upon the first sound of thunder or sighting of lightning, department staff (at Seminary Turf, County Home Turf, Carver Turf), officials or coaches/volunteers will direct all in attendance to immediately go to their cars if possible. No one will be allowed to return to field for 30 minutes after last sound of thunder and/or sight of lightning. Staff will have complete authority on any decisions made at County/BCPS facilities. In the absence of Department staff, volunteer/coaches and/or officials must follow the same procedures.